Hydraulic support systems. Repair and restoration

System 3KD90 after complete restoration

Repair and modernization of the hydraulic support equipment includes:
  • Repair of metal with recovery of all landing slots at the joints to factory conditions , replacement of broken sheet metal bases and ceilings ;
  • Restoration of working surface and plungers of hydraulic cylinders by electric arc welding with stainless wire, manufactured in Italy . Restoration technology has been technically perfected and patented by our company ( patent for the invention "Method of restoration of cylindrical parts » № 61859 from 17.11.2003 A year );
  • Manufacturing of new hydraulic cylinders;
  • Replacement of rubber seals on the hydraulic cylinders Polyurethane Replacement RMA ;
  • Manufacturing of hydraulic jacks with complex design and built- in motion sensor ;
  • Installation of best-in-class electronic equipment, produced by the company " Tiffenbah ."

Hydraulic support system DBT after complete repair

Repair of mining equipment – a critical part of the production process of coal mining.
At KANT we constantly pay attention to improving quality and productivity of repair operation , including technology, organization and management .
Complete repair process of hydraulic support systems restores machinery’s the original parameters and useful life, while maintaining the level of reliability with minimum labor and material costs .

KANT delivers major repairs as well as modernization of hydraulic machinery in order to improve basic technical and operational parameters .

Hydraulic Support System DM after repair

  • Quality of the repair completed by our company at competitive prices significantly exceeds the quality of other Ukrainian companies, while completely recovering and even exceeding the initial performance of the systems. Warranty period after repair by KANT is set at or above the warranty period for the new product .
  • This is achieved by our strong commitment to follow highest quality standards by our employees, deployment of modern technologies in metal repairs, and use of components and materials from the best European and domestic suppliers.
  • KANT ensures corrosion protection of surfaces of hydraulic cylinders via the process of electric arc welding of stainless wire. Restoration technology has been technically perfected and patented by our company (patent for the invention "Method of recovery of cylindrical parts » № 61859 from 17.11.2003 A year ) and has no analogues in other repair mining enterprises of Ukraine.

Hydraulic Support Systems GMK 067/135, developed by KANT, Ltd. R&D department

Advantages of repairing Hydraulic Support Systems with our company:

  • Improved safety and minimization of resources required to operate machinery inside the mine;
  • Increased useful life of machinery as a result of high quality repairs and installation of modern equipment;
  • Increased warranty of up to 24 months and with up to 36 months if operated with hydraulic fluid produced by " Tiffenbah ";
  • Technical support for the duration of mine operation and staff training ;
  • Significant increase in average daily production of coal of more than 1.5x of comparable products ;
bigp восстановление рабочей поверхности штоков и плунжеров гидроцилиндров методом электродуговой наплавки коррозионностойкой проволокой производства Италия в среде защитных газов. Технология восстановления была технически отработана и запатентована нашим предприятием /ul/ul/ul